Academic Publications

Law Journals

Virginia Harper Ho, Disclosure Overload? Lessons for Risk Disclosure & ESG Reporting Reform from the Regulation S-K Concept Release, 65 Villanova Law Review (2020) (credited research or editing contributions only).

Corey Yung, Rape Law Gatekeeping, 58 Boston College Law Review 205-256 (2017) (credited research or editing contributions only).

Caleb Hall, A Right Most Dear: The Case for a Constitutional Environmental Right, 30 Tulane Environmental Law Journal 85-109 (2016) (credited research or editing contributions only).

Uma Outka, The Obama Administration’s Clean Air Act Legacy and the UNFCC, 48 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 109-125 (2016) (credited research or editing contributions only).

Policy Journals

Melissa Tier, Overcoming Contemporary Reform Failure of the National Flood Insurance Program to Accelerate Just Climate Transitions, 32 Princeton Journal of Public and International Affairs (2021) (credited research or editing contributions only).

Grey Literature

50-State Surveys

Legislative Oversight of Emergency Executive Powers, (May 2020).

Coronavirus and State Legislatures in the News, (April 2020).

Dual Office-Holding Restrictions, (October 2019).

Voting Recusal Provisions, (April 2019).

Conflict of Interest Definitions, (March 2019).

Representing Others Before Government, (February 2019).

State Ethics Oversight Agencies, (February 2019).

Revolving Door Prohibitions, (February 2019).

Recovery of Legal Fees: Frivolous or Unsuccessful Complaints, (February 2019).

State Ethics Commissions: Powers and Duties, (January 2019).

Legislators’ Personal Financial Disclosures: Client Identification Requirements, (December 2018).

Blind Trusts, (December 2018).

Legislators’ Personal Financial Disclosures Income Requirements, (November 2018).

Legislator Gift Restrictions Overview, (November 2018).

Legislators’ Personal Financial Disclosures: Household Member Information, (November 2018).

Lobbyist Registration Requirements, (October 2018).

State Ethics Commissions: Jurisdiction, (October 2018).

Nepotism Restrictions for State Legislatures, (October 2018).

Honorarium Restrictions, (October 2018).

How States Define ‘Lobbying’ and ‘Lobbyist’, (August 2018).

Limitations on Public Funds for Lobbying, (August 2018).

Legislators’ Personal Financial Disclosures: Agency Connections, (July 2018).

Penalties for Violations of State Ethics and Public Corruption Laws, (July 2018).

Magazine Articles

What’s (un)ethical about lobbying?, State Legislatures Magazine (February 2020).

Should Payment for Legislative Testimony Be Disclosed?, State Legislatures Magazine (November 2019).

How does separation of powers relate to ethics?, State Legislatures Magazine (September 2019).

Is there an ethical duty to be civil to our rivals?, State Legislatures Magazine (July 2019).

What does ‘due process’ really mean?, State Legislatures Magazine (May 2019).

What can you do about social media trolls?, State Legislatures Magazine (March 2019).

Is it better to be ethical or appear ethical?, State Legislatures Magazine (January 2019).

What about that second job?, State Legislatures Magazine (November 2019).

Is humility a vice or a virtue for elected leaders?, State Legislatures Magazine (September 2018).

Do legislators have a right to privacy?, State Legislatures Magazine (July 2018).

Why do people do unethical things?, State Legislatures Magazine (June 2018).

Why do legislative ethics matter?, State Legislatures Magazine (May 2018).

Can you spot ethical pitfalls?, State Legislatures Magazine (April 2018).

How does ethics oversight work?, State Legislatures Magazine (March 2018).

When should a legislator use a blind trust?, State Legislatures Magazine (February 2017).

Research in the era of ‘fake news.’, Hearsay Magazine (Spring 2017).

Two-Page Issue Briefs

Balancing Legislative and Executive Powers in Emergencies, NCSL LegisBrief (July 2020).

Limiting political activity for nonpartisan staff, NCSL LegisBrief (February 2020).

Reinforcing government ethics with layered oversight, NCSL LegisBrief (August 2019).

Preventing conflicts of interest with blind trusts, NCSL LegisBrief (January 2019).


Nicholas Birdsong and Megan McClure, ‘Building Democracy Episode 3: Westward Expansion’, NCSL Podcast (September 2020).

Nicholas Birdsong, Megan McClure and John Mahoney, ‘Building Democracy Episode 2: The Story of Legislatures Through the Revolution’, NCSL Podcast (April 2020).

Nicholas Birdsong, Megan McClure and John Mahoney, ‘Building Democracy Episode 1: The Story of Legislatures’, NCSL Podcast (January 2020).


Building Democracy Podcast Episode 2: The Story of Legislatures Through the Revolution, The NCSL Blog (April 2020).

POTUS Can’t Block Critics on Twitter, Says Federal Appeals Court, The NCSL Blog (July 2019).

6th Circuit Finds Ethics Laws Constitutional, The NCSL Blog (July 2019).


The Consequences of Economic Inequality, Seven Pillars Institute for Global Finance and Ethics (February 2015) [featured in The Wealth Gap, Greenhaven Publishing (2017), ISBN: 1534500340].